General Terms and Conditions (GTC) Further education courses

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  • General Terms and Conditions (GTC) Further education courses
  1. Scope
  2. Registration
  3. Documents
  4. Fee payment and deadline
  5. Cancellation and degreistration
  6. Take with you
  7. Confirmation and certificate
  8. Liability and insurance
  9. Data protection
  10. Final clause

1. Scope

These GTC apply to all trainings conducted by SWISS TCM UNI, such as seminars, webinars, courses, congresses or information events. The GTC are an integral part of the contract for each training registration.

2. Registration

We accept your registration by phone, e-mail, mail or online via the booking system of our website.
When submitting a registration in writing or verbally, the participant accepts the General Terms and Conditions. Registration for a training course is binding. Registrations are considered according to the date of their receipt. The number of participants of individual trainings is limited.

SWISS TCM UNI reserves the right to cancel a training course if the number of participants is insufficient or to propose a later date for the training course.

Participants registered for a training course agree that their registration data may be stored and processed electronically for internal purposes and official statistics and may be used for advertising. Advertising, such as the promotion of training courses, may be cancelled at any time, either verbally or in writing.

3. Documents

Documents (script) and drinks are included in the training fee.

4. Fee and payment deadline

The booked training via the online booking system is due for payment at the time of booking. If you book the training by phone, e-mail or mail, you will receive an invoice, payable 10 days after the invoice date.

5. Cancellation and deregistration

A deregistration or cancellation of a training participation has to be sent by e-mail to This written cancellation becomes legally valid only after SWISS TCM UNI has confirmed it in writing.

For the cancellation of a training registration or the non-attendance of a training SWISS TCM UNI is entitled to charge a compensation:
Up to 40 days before the start of the training 25% of the fee
up to 30 days before the start of the training 50% of the fee
From 30 days before the start of the training or in case of non-attendance 100% of the fee.

We will gladly accept a substitute participant at no additional cost.

6. Take with you

In all trainings with practical part, we ask you to wear loose clothing or to bring it with you. Furthermore, we ask you to bring a towel for practice-oriented trainings.

7. Confirmation and certificate

After completion of the training, each participant will receive a confirmation of participation or a certificate. The certificate will be issued if 80% of the offered hours are attended.

8. Liability and insurance

SWISS TCM UNI excludes any liability for damages incurred. SWISS TCM UNI disclaims any liability for personal injuries caused by a contraindication to the booked training, as well as for accidents and illnesses occurring during a training visit and/or on the way to and from the training.

9. Data protection

The documents, workbooks, manuals, diagrams, texts, tables, pictures, graphics, concepts, cases etc. handed out during our training as well as all photos and videos taken during the training are subject to copyright protection and may not – not even in part – be processed, duplicated, distributed or made available for public reproduction or used commercially without our written consent, in particular by using electronic systems. Passing on to third parties is not permitted without the written consent of SWISS TCM UNI.
Visual material created during the training may be used by SWISS TCM UNI for advertising purposes and may, in particular, be published on the website and in social media without the prior consent of the participant. The participant may request the removal of visual material from the website and social media at any time.

SWISS TCM UNI processes all personal data confidentially.

10. Final clause

Swiss law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction is Bad Zurzach.

Bad Zurzach, April 2022